Happy New Year

January 01, 2021 Happy New Year! At the risk of being branded a chauvinist, I hereby state my vision for 2021 - the empowering of men at Mona Chapel. I will pray for the men, I will encourage them and challenge them. In essence, I will attempt to empower the men. An empowered man is a confident man. He exudes godliness, servant leadership and personifies strength in his personal life, in his family and in his church. Everyone benefits when a confident and empowered man is around. Pray for me as I attempt to unleash this vision plan. The plan is not designed to exclude women. Rather, it is a strategy to build stronger communities that include women and children. The vision is to challenge and empower men to display servant leadership. If this effort is going to succeed, I will need MHC women to wield their influence. Commit to pray specifically for the men in your life and in your church. Study the life of Abigail (1 Samuel 25) and applaud your strengths to make a difference. Some of these strengths you will need during our Week of Atonement. Encourage the men in your sphere of influence to participate – even if they do not worship with us. This week provides an opportunity to drastically change each of us and ultimately the MHC culture. The closing exercise for the Week of Atonement is a two-hour session of prayer – from 6:00 to 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 09. Our own Mackie McPherson will share on the topic, Prayers God Answers. This is an online season of prayer that will be different. Please plan to participate. A Mona Chapel website will be launched this weekend. This new development will allow very many persons to participate in our Week of Atonement. You can share the web address (www.monachapel.org) with family and friends from around the world. We will keep you informed as we continue to build the site within the upcoming weeks. I trust you are as excited as I am to welcome 2021. I believe we will experience many victories as a community of faith. In February, we have a strong team to guide us through our Family Month. In March we will celebrate our sixty-first anniversary as a church. Please reserve Saturday March 13 for an online Mona Chapel reunion. Expect great things in 2021.