Lenten greetings! - Pastor's Letter February 19, 2021

Even a cursory reading of the Old Testament books of Exodus to Deuteronomy, would convey the sense that God is a God of order. Some of the instructions to the Jewish people were so specific and particular. Anything sacrificed was to be “without blemish”. Persons officiating and participating in religious services were to be ceremonially clean.

So often in my readings of those Old Testament passages, I find myself saying, I thank God for Jesus. You see, because of the death of Jesus, many of the Old Testament laws and requirements, no longer apply. The writer to the book of Hebrews, made the point that “the law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming, not the realities themselves” (Hebrews 10:1). The reality to which the writer referred was Jesus Christ.

His death on the cross satisfied God’s demand for a perfect sacrifice. Unlike the old sacrificial system, Jesus did not need to sacrifice annually. Once was enough. We now benefit from that one sacrifice offered at Calvary. Easter celebrations remind us of that truth – once was enough.

This week, that “once was enough” season began with Ash Wednesday and the start of the Lenten season – a forty-day pre-Easter season. During this time, may we never forget that the ceremonial requirements of the Old Testament are no longer necessary. Jesus died and that was enough to satisfy God’s demands.

However, from the Old Testament requirements we learn that God demands structure and holiness in our corporate worship. Mediocrity, apathy and impurity were unacceptable. The same should be said of our corporate worship activities. That explains our attempt to pursue our “excellence in worship” programme last Sunday.

We will continue that effort this Sunday. We will aim to be punctual. We will be more intentional to ensure smoother transitions in our delivery and to use our music to reflect the diversity in our congregation. Our theme of Parenting will be reflected in the children and parents that participate. And, the preacher, Mr Kevin Bailey, is ably qualified to address the topic. He is a husband, a father, a Counselling Psychologist and a man with a heart for God.

I am so sorry that Launa and I will be absent. We will be ministering at another church in the city and would value your prayers. We will also miss Mother Emily Grant. This week she was admitted to hospital having had another stroke. She too would value our prayers.

Have a blessed week. Live jubilantly by sharing your joy with others.