Unbelievable – we are already in the middle of January. The opportunities are going so quickly. Are we taking advantage of them?
Allow me to introduce you to one huge opportunity – it is our ONE MILE RADIUS outreach focus. The above map identifies everything within a one-mile radius of Mona Chapel. Our goal is first to identify every home and institution in this area. We are going to claim this area as our Jerusalem.
When Jesus commissioned his disciples to be his witnesses, he instructed them to begin in Jerusalem (“… and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”). Beginning in Jerusalem meant beginning in the area nearest to you. For us, that area covers those within our one-mile radius.
Having identified our Jerusalem, we now need to know who and what fall within our sphere of influence. This is where we need your help. We need the resources to be able to identify every school, every business, every home and every opportunity within our target area. We need prayer warriors. We need demographic analysts. We need social workers to help us analyse the communities. With this data, we will decide how best to target our Jerusalem with the love of Jesus Christ.
Indicate your interest to any member of our leadership team. We will pray and strategize together. The sooner you tell us of your interest, the sooner we can begin strategic conversations. Our message will be similar to Pastor Dave’s sermon on Sunday.
It is a sermon on Heaven – the ultimate goal of our faith. On Sunday morning, Pastor Dave will contend that Heaven is no myth. It is the actual place to which the angels referred when Jesus ascended – “… this same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back…”(Acts 1:11). Sunday’s sermon will affirm that Jesus is the ONLY WAY to Heaven. If you have never imagined heaven, then you need to link-in to Sunday’s service.
I want to encourage you to revisit the idea of praying for the non-Christian members of your family. Heaven is much more than an escape plan from the purposeless living on earth. To refuse Heaven is to embrace its alternative, which we will talk about the following Sunday.