
Malachi - Repent! Blessings Ahead

Pastor Dave delivers the last sermon in our Minor Prophets series. The focus turns to the prophet Malachi where we will learn how the Jews did not allow God to get a prominent place in their lives. Routinely, they did the religious things, but not with any sense of urgency or fervor.

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Joel - When God Speaks

Pastor Dave continues in the minor prophets, looking at Jonah. Like all of the prophets of old, Joel gave the command for Israel to repent. He called for a sacred assembly, where the whole nation would humbly cry out to the Lord for grace and mercy - so that their outward submissive actions would reflect an inward repentant heart.

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Jonah - The Reluctant Prophet

Pastor Dave continues in his series about the minor prophets by looking at the reluctant prophet, Jonah. God called him to preach in the foreign city of Nineveh but he tried to run away from God. Instead of heading to Nineveh, about 725 miles north-east, he set off for Tarshish, about 3,000 miles south-west.

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Major Lessons from the Minor Prophets

Pastor Dave starts by helping us to situate the minor prophets in the context of the Bible. He then zeros in on the story of Hosea. He explores how God communicates through Hosea's words, through the unfaithfulness within his marriage and through natural disasters. Like the story of the prodigal son, the circumstances in our lives may be leading us to God's grace and his love.

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Partnership in Missions

In a time of the decline of the influence of the church with an emphasis on programmes over people Dr Christopher Clarke asserts the relevance of the life changing message of the Gospel. He looks at the how the church at Phillipi moved from concern to commitment then collaboration that lead to sacrificial investment in the work of Paul.

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The Rescue Mission

Donovan Thomas looks at the story of Paul, Silas and the Phillipian jailer. He looks at how Paul reassured the jailer when he was inclined to suicide. Donovan looks at the Biblical, Social, Personal and Spiritual context, the warning signs of suicide and how to be supportive and protect against suicide. He concludes with the response of the jailer who asked "what must I do to be saved".

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Overseas Missions

A look at overseas missions with Leah Josyln. Both Pastor Dave and Leah Joslyn trace their Christian roots to San Juan, Trinidad. Today we welcome Leah from the mission field in West Africa.

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Why Christian Missions?

Pastor Dave launches the June preaching series addressing the topic of Christian Missions. He answers a number of questions in this critical area of Christian witness.

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Biblical Fasting

Fasting is a spiritual discipline of drastically reducing or denying oneself of one thing, in the interest of pursuing something of greater value. Pastor Corbin answers the questions does fasting work and how should we fast?

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