As part of our 60th Anniversary service, Pastor Dave connects the the origins of Mona Heights Chapel and what we believe to the reformation and establishment of the Plymouth Brethren in Jamaica, A rapid tour of church history with stops in Rome and England.
Dr. Davidson's Sermon, delivered on Valentine's Day, explores love in marriage through the types of love, the 5 love languages. He encourages married to discover the primary love language of their spouse.
Courtney Stewart takes a look at Personal Discipleship and how it plays out practically through love for others, a commitment to Christ and putting priority on our "followership" of Jesus.
Dealing with conflicts among the believers. The Gospel is central to how we live as Christians. Be of the same mind and learn to work with each other for the sake of the Gospel.
Mark Dawes delivers a sermon on the story of David in Second Samuel 21 and its relation to the theme of atonement. He explains the concept of substitutionary atonement and the importance of dealing with past issues properly. Dawes emphasizes the need for confessions in Jamaica to atone for past wrongdoings and how Satan highlights our sins to bring despair and crush us, but God's intention is for us to seek forgiveness, repent, and find grace in Him. The idea of covenant-breaking is also touched upon, and church members are reminded of the significance of submitting to elders and supporting fellow believers.