
If Only

Phillip Scott discusses the dangers of living in a world of "if only" and how it can lead to a life of discontentment and idolatry. He uses the life of Solomon as an example of someone who had everything but still found life to be meaningless. Scott encourages living a life of thanksgiving and contentment, knowing that God is the source of true fulfilment and purpose. He concludes with a prayer for those who may not know God and a reminder to share this message with others.

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God's Plan: People Made Alive in Christ

David Pearson discusses the concept of salvation and how it is not dependent on good behaviour or personal reform, but rather on the action of God. Pearson emphasises that Christians should strive to live exemplary lives, but that salvation is a gift from God and not earned through good works. He also encourages members of the church to use their skills and abilities to serve God and others. The sermon includes a video clip of a man who found salvation in prison and turned his life around. Pearson concludes with a prayer for those who may be struggling and seeking a closer relationship with God.

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Becoming a Father

Brendan Bain addresses the topic "Becoming a Father". Parenting is not easy, it comes with responsibility physically, financially and spiritually. He looks at the stages associated with becoming a father such as Preparation, Progress and Handing over.

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Fathers' Day

Fathers' day panel with Jide Lewis and Michael Ramsay, chaired by Bill Hunter and followed by a Fathers' day message from Marc Ramsay.

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God's Plan: People Invited to Know God Intimately

Pastor Pearson looks at Paul's prayer from Ephesians 1:15-23. He examines the prayer as way to better understand God's desire for his family. He cites the good example of the Ephesians and unpacks the prayer through ideas of inspiration, inclination (desire) and intention. He concludes by asking, in relationship to intimacy and obedience, "how do we match up"?

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God's Plan: People for the Spirit's Sealing

Pastor Pearson illustrates the passage from Ephesians 1:3-14 through a story of a football ticket in 1970s Jamaica. How we were admitted to the family, the action that made it possible, the agent that assures our inheritance and attachment to the family. He asks "are we seeing the work of Holy Spirit in our lives, how we live?" He also points out that there is something more than gifts and abilities endowed by the Spirit.

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